Whether through social media, email, phone call or a visit to the college, we want to hear from you.
亚虎Find the help you need to meet your goals. Counseling, disability services, and more for special populations.
About student support optionsCheck out tutoring and more for extra help to pass that class!
About academic support optionsAccess answers with an extensive network of informational resources. Online support available.
About library servicesAt Greenville Technical College, jump into the student life experience with a wide range of available activities.
About student lifeGet on the right path to reach your academic and professional goals.
About advising servicesIf you’re a veteran/service member or a qualifying family member, our job is to be of service to you.
About Veterans Financial 服务Take placement tests as well as various comprehensive examinations and certification examinations or get proctoring services.
About Testing 服务Access resources from across the college to help you START, STAY and SUCCEED.