Earn college credit for what you already know.
At Greenville Technical College, experience counts for you. The knowledge that you have gained outside the classroom is extremely valuable. We can help you earn college credit for what you already know through our Prior 学习 评估 (PLA) process.
Veterans: Your military experience counts in so many ways, and it should count toward your education too. What you learned in the military can be recognized for college credit. We respect your service, and all the knowledge that came with it.
Save time and money as you earn your degree.
Prior 学习 评估 (PLA) is a process that allows adult learners to demonstrate knowledge and skills in a particular field and have that learning evaluated for college credit. Some examples of learning that can be evaluated:
Contact your academic program director to determine if you may qualify for prior learning assessment and exemption credit.
PLA Evaluators by Program Areas »
Hear what others say about prior learning exemption credit (from The Council of Adult and Experiential 学习 (CAEL)):